Le Dong Hai Nguyen

Economic Analyst • Georgetown SFS • World Bank

Participating in a Model United Nations (MUN) conference can be a transformative experience, thrusting you into the role of a diplomat from a nation you might be unfamiliar with. Engaging in debates on global issues, from space colonization and women’s rights to the intricacies of cryptocurrency, all while adhering to parliamentary procedures, can indeed seem daunting to newcomers.

Fear not! As an experienced MUN participant, or ‘MUNers’, I’m here to share my insights and strategies to help you navigate and excel in your next MUN conference.

1. Embrace your role

At a MUN conference, you embody a delegate representing a country’s interests, not your personal viewpoints. It’s crucial to avoid the embarrassment of advocating policies that contradict your nation’s stance or alienating your allies. Conduct thorough research using resources like the UN’s archive of member state votes or your assigned country’s state media. Understanding your country’s position on the issues at hand is vital, even if it diverges from your personal beliefs. This preparation ensures you accurately represent your nation’s interests.

2. The Art of Listening

Contrary to what you might think, the most effective delegates are not the most verbose but those who can make impactful speeches and steer the committee’s agenda. Active listening is key. Paying close attention to the discussions, taking notes, and leveraging this information can significantly enhance your contributions and strategy.

3. Utilize Opponents’ Speeches Strategically

Identify contradictions and weaknesses in your adversaries’ arguments. Skillfully countering these points not only positions you as a knowledgeable and reliable participant but also advances your country’s agenda effectively.

4. Make use of unmoderated caucuses

Unmoderated caucuses offer a unique opportunity for informal negotiations, allowing delegates to circumvent formal procedures and address sticking points in discussions. Use this time wisely to foster agreements and collaborations rather than for socializing.

5. Prioritize Accuracy Over Eloquence

While eloquence is valuable, accuracy is paramount. Fabricating facts can undermine your credibility. Remember, the MUN community values integrity, and participants, including chairs, are vigilant in fact-checking and calling out inaccuracies.

6. The Influence of Smaller Nations

Do not underestimate the influence of representing a smaller nation. Contrary to some beliefs, smaller countries can play pivotal roles in negotiations, often acting as mediators or dealmakers. My experience as the Delegate of the Dominican Republic at MITMUNC XII, where I played a key role in formulating a resolution on the Yemen Civil War, stands testament to the significant impact smaller nations can have.

7. It’s alright to mess up!

Mistakes are part of the learning process. If you stumble, view it as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback. Engaging in a Model United Nations conference is fundamentally about immersing yourself in global discourse, pushing your boundaries, and maturing as a global citizen.

MUN conferences offer a rich platform for learning, debate, and personal growth. By adopting these strategies, you can navigate the complexities of MUN with confidence and contribute meaningfully to discussions on pressing global issues. But don’t stress too much and make sure you’re here to enjoy your time—don’t miss the Delegate’s Ball or any social events! Just by being here, you have already challenged yourself and take step towards becoming a more informed and engaged global citizen.

(*) This article was cross-posted on the Courier of the Cambridge Arts, Technologies & Sciences Academy.